Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bridges Between People

Good morning everyone,

How are you? We got 2+ inches of rain again last night. I'm weary of it. Everytime we get over a couple of inches of rain, which lately has been ALL the time, I get a little moisture in the basement. No more than a couple of gallon jugs of milk's worth but annoying nonetheless. What irks me is that I have to deal with it the minute I get up or it stinks. The minute I get up is not the best time for me to do manual labor. My joints need to loosen up, you know? Arthritis is so stupid. At any rate. Two rolls of paper towels later I'm done, showered and talking to you.

Building bridges between people is so important. Ryan has found that by pursuing his hobbies, he is meeting people of all ages and developing relationships that will last. He doesn't, however, have a close friend, which is something he'd love. Sam, his Best Buddy, is wonderful. He picked up Ryan last week and they ran all over campus taking photos of the bridge, the water, Owen Park and other things that were interesting for Ryan. A couple of hours later they strolled in drinking pop and laughing together. That bridge is a strong one.

If you've hesitated to put your young adult in Best Buddies I really think you should reconsider. We had a couple of no shows but then we got Sam 4+ years ago. (He graduates in December .... oh no!) Ryan and he chat on the phone, and do things together outside of the required elements of the program. If the program is followed like the Kennedy set it, it has unlimited potential for nurturing and change of attitude.

At any rate, they'll be starting soon so you'll want to contact your local chapter by accessing the main website. Just Google Best Buddies.

Have a marvy day and see you tomorrow,
Much love and joy,


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