Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fun and Work

Ryan and his grandma went to the Shrine circus yesterday.  It was the first decent day we've had in a while. It's been so cool and rainy every day. While that's better than steamy it didn't feel much like summer.

They had a great time and Ryan came home with programs (two different ones) a light saber and many pictures of him with various clowns. He enjoyed himself and ate junk like popcorn and cotton candy.

Getting Organized - I've been working steadily on getting organized and wanted to show you this amazing labeler. $28 at WalMart. I'd been using computer labels. I was making a list of labels I needed, then when I had a full list of thirty I'd print the labels. It was time consuming and annoying. I thought about getting a labeler that you use with the computer and didn't really want the expense. Then I saw the LetroTag.
(Picture angels singing here!) It's amazing! I took a pic and included the cartridge in the photo. I've been labeling things like a mad woman. Nothing is safe. My folders, my stamp sets, various storage boxes ... you name it, I'm gonna slap a label on it.

If you're an organization junkie like I am you'll love this little toy. And no, WalMart isn't paying me to say it! Keep in mind that Office Max was $2 higher on a single cartridge OUCH, so shop around for those. They come in white, clear and various colors like red, green and blue.

Talk to you tomorrow,
Much love and joy,

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to give me a demo of your cool new labeler the next time I see you.
