Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hey, I know why I'm tired!

Good morning,
I thought I'd show you a gorgeous plant from the greenhouse, horticultural therapy you know. I love wandering through greenhouses, smelling the flowers, taking photos of the blooms, feeling the leaves. It's therapy for both Ryan and me, one that I believe works wonders for most folks.

I know I've chatted about it before but it turns out there's a reason I crave being outside so much. I have SAD. I mean LITERALLY, not just a self proclaimed version (or aversion) in winter. Seasonal Affective Disorder isn't about depression for me at all. It's about hibernation. When others are getting excited for fall I'm sinking slowly, yawning, going to bed with the chickens and finding it a struggled to be up. This starts in ... are you ready? August. Yep. I sink more and more each day, struggling to find energy.

Along about January, when others are saying they have SAD, I'm starting to perk up. According to my rhematologist, I'm describing real SAD. Not only that, there's sometimes a biological reason for it. Right now, in the middle of summer, when I'm getting mega sunshine and the days are long, they tested my Vitamin D. And I am LOW. I start on 50,000 IU of prescription Vitamin D, one pill a week for 8 weeks. That's a LOT of D (Usually people who are deficient take about 1000 IU per day).

Interestingly enough, research is starting to show Vitamin D as a possible treatment or cure for OA. Hmmm. I had to have my hip replaced due to OA. Vitamin D is supposed to help those with the cartilage wear kind of OA the most. Hey, that's me too! I'm thinking ... what if Vitamin D cures me! Or at least treats me!  It's such a simple fix.

I can't wait to see if I have more energy this fall! Pray for a good ending for this for me. I'd love to have this work beautifully!

Take care of you and your special someone and may God bless you richly,

Much love and joy,

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