Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Meaningful Work

Ryan spent time at his game reserve cleaning snake tanks yesterday. He even watched the snakes eat. He's fascinated by varieties, venom, uses for venom and every little snake fact. He's had the passion for this creature since he was tiny. He visited the reserve and held his first snake when he was three years old!

Interestingly, his hobby has developed into meaningful work. He loves his snake buddies and they seem to like him. Who can tell with snakes thought, right? He's started eyeing the turtle tanks too.

The neat thing is that it all provides context for conversation and shared interests. His grandfather, a biologist and geneticist, would have loved sharing this with him. The woman who oversees him is such an accepting and warm person. She gives Ryan respect and that's saying something. She doesn't hover. I, on the other hand, hovered a lot at the beginning. Now I bring my laptop and work.

Pursue your child's passions. You never know what will turn into a job/career when s/he is older.

God bless,
Much love and joy,


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