Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Let's go to the fair!

Okay, so sue me. I overcompensate. What do I mean? I mean that I overindulge my son with special needs. Take for example, the fair. It's always a million degrees, with humidity in the eleventy hundreds and we head out to walk the midway in the blinding sun. Why? Because Ryan loves it. I mean he REALLY loves it.

I do too, but I'd rather go at night while it's cooler,  but it's a little too crowded then for us. So here I go. High temps today will touch 90, dewpoints are around 72 (they were 75 in Prairie du Chein yesterday) I'm surprised we haven't had any tornadys twisting around during the night hours.

At any rate, if you ride paddleboats in the rain, walk fairs during the heat of the day, or watch fireworks in the mosquito laden mist all because your special person is totally enthralled by it all ... you're not alone! I'm here with you!

They ask for so little, how can we refuse? They force us to live in the moment and never forget the wonder of a child, free from jaded cynicism. So I say .... grab the sunscreen and bug dope! Let's go to the fair!

Much love and joy,

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