Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rainy Cocoon Day

Ryan and I both have vicious colds today. We slept until 9:00 which is unheard of for either of us. Although, in our defense, it is raining and twilit out there. The windows are open a crack so you hear the rain and feel the cool moist breeze. To snuggle under the blanket and breathe all that wonderfully humidified air felt awesome!

My mother will sometimes do respite for me when I'm sick and Ryan's not, but she has this crud too. Ryan was sick with it last week and we both must have caught it from him. He was over it by the weekend except for the residual crud so he's just got the tail end of the cough now. I have to watch that too so it doesn't escalate suddenly.

However, no rest for the weary today. It's OK. It's a good day to cocoon what with the rain and all. Yesterday was GORGEOUS and I plowed through, grilling and making dinner which is saying something when you don't feel like eating. And I ALWAYS feel like eating, ya know??

I'm Ryan's PCW so there's no taking the day off. I provide those cares no matter how sick I am. I wouldn't have it any other way. Well ... it'd be nice if someone would cook though. I hate cooking when I'm sick. I'd just as soon make canned chicken soup and be done with it.

Hope your day is a good one, healthy and happy.
See you tomorrow,
Much love and joy to you and yours,

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