Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Whimsy and Wonder in Everyday Songs

It's deep summer and I love it! I heard my first locust buzzing today and the weather was absolutely beyond perfect! Crisp, clear, and sunny. Amazing!

I took a photo of our patio umbrella on Ryan's request, he loves lawn doo-da ... in quantity. It's gotten better as he's gotten older. Now he concentrates on dancing, musical stuffed animals. Trust me, you can't believe how many are out there!! We have dancing rabbits, an 18 inch chili pepper who sings "hot hot hot" and over a dozen others. They drive me crazy but I'm so thankful he can take enjoyment in them, I put up with their cacophony. He can run up to two or three at a time.

The other day at about 4:00 a.m. the birds sang a similar tune and it struck me that there is a dissonance in most of our lives that makes up the melody of each day. We only have to let it all blend together and wash over us to hear the peculiar songs that are the soundtrack to our lives.

I lament the sounds Ryan will never hear, but I'm glad he can hear me say "I love you." I grieve for the young man that might have been while I celebrate the young man he is. There is much joy and blessing in each day, each verse of this whimsical and wonderful song.

May God bless you and show you joy today in your child with special needs. Remember I'm praying for you.
Much love and joy,

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