Then we saw ducks walking in a group in the shade of some enormous pine trees. It was so kooky looking.
The pine tree area was actually a circle surrounded by road. Sometimes, as parents of children with disabilities we can get trapped in a similar way, wandering with the other parents, doing the same things over and over.
In fact, we can quack pretty loudly when some duck crosses the road and ventures out with new ideas and plans. What will become of her chick? Suddenly the rest of the mommy ducks, after standing and watching to make sure the first mommy duck doesn't run in front of a truck, follow. They find a pier to swim under, duck weed to play in, cattails to hide behind ... a whole new world.
Don't be trapped into always going after the same old programs for your child. Be creative. You don't always have to follow the other mommys. Granted, at first it seems like we have to because we don't know what we're doing ... it's a new pond we're swimming in! Don't wait until you have it all under control to try something new. Things will never seem that under control and you won't branch out.
Strike out across the road and follow your heart. Others may laugh, but trust me ... speaking as a road crossing mommy duck ... eventually they follow. :-) Try new things, develop new models. Be brave. Your heart knows what's best for your child. Listen to it.
God bless you and yours. I pray that God shows you his love in an amazing and concrete way today.
Much love and joy,
Good advice for everyone!