Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Are you my mother?

Ryan loves taking pics of storm clouds. He also loves thunderstorms. Since the movie Twister came out, he's loved to watch it during storms. I don't know if he's terrified of tornadoes and processing, or just going for a Surround Sound and 3D effect. What a kid! Fortunately, we don't get much for severe storms here so we're lucky. I have family in southern Minnesota and all over Iowa. THEY get storms. The F5 tornado that ripped with a couple of small towns in Iowa a couple of years ago was about five miles from my aunt's home she said. Yikes! Too close for me, my friends.

My father used to go outside during storms. It was almost impossible to keep him inside. He was a scientist and loved to feel the weather on his skin. I wonder if Ryan inherited some of that and it's manifesting traits in a different way. We still see traits of grandparents and parents in our children, even though you have to peer through the disabilities to see them. I know that Ryan likes to hear if he does something like someone else. Family connectedness is so important when it seems like all people ever see is what you can or cannot do. It's nice to hear, "Your uncle Dave used to do that too!"

This week, I promise to notice all the wonderful little things Ryan does like family. I will sit down with him and talk about how he is connected to our family and how he fits in so perfectly. Even if you are adopted you take on traits of your adoptive family so this doesn't leave you out either. Just make sure to make your comments positive. I know I will.

God bless,
Much love and joy,

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