We went to the Outdoor Theater last night and I'm EXHAUSTED. I can't handle those late nights anymore, I'm such a wiener. Evening activities just totally wipe me out for the next day. Part of my "crud" I guess but annoying nonetheless!
We saw Toy Story 3, which was fun! There weren't a ton of people there because the fair is in town so many had gone to that. We'd already gone to the fair on Wednesday and deliberately chose last night. The weather was perfect!
We could have our window open the entire time.
Speaking of food.
Yep, I had caffeine too! What a mistake! Between the Dr. Pepper's effects and my hip being sore from sitting in the car so long it took me forever to settle down once I got home. In the wee hours of the morning I finally dropped off. So today, I'm Zombie-ville Arizona!
Ryan and I had a great time though! We sat in bug-free, gorgeous July weather watching a great movie. It's the kind of night memories when memories are made. Hints for the future ... bring the Gameboy next time. Box office opened at 7:30 so we went at 8:30 to get a decent spot (we like to use the old fashioned speakers instead of the radio to get the full effect.)
They've done some work on those speakers. They were pretty good ... relatively. All the poles are tipped this way and that from people driving off and forgetting to hang them up. What a hoot!
Anyway, the movie started around 9:45. Some neanderthal in a wide body, extended cab pickup pulled in so close to us that Ryan couldn't have gotten out of his door if he would have wanted to. Honestly! Some people's kids. In all fairness, though, I parked a little distance from our speaker so I could get out with my crutches so I wasn't blameless.
I'm rambling so I'll depart now. Take your special person to the drive in this weekend. It shouldn't be too busy with the fair on in Chippewa. There must have been only about fifty cars when the movie started. Nearly all the teens were at the fair and the rest of us there were primarily families.
Have a good time!
Much love and joy,
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