Monday, August 16, 2010

Dogs Before Children?

Good morning!

And I mean that literally! It's gorgeous out there! We slept with the windows open and I told Ryan, "Sleep in tomorrow. It'll be a good morning for it." Then I got up to let the dog out, saw how beautiful it was and couldn't stay in bed!

There is a very distressed squirrel outside my window today. Funny how, as mothers, we can recognize distress in nonverbal ways, no matter what species it is. I don't mean funny ha ha either. It's upsetting to hear an animal in distress. I can't see it so I don't know where it is or what's wrong with it.

I read an article once where a woman living in California was attacked by a mountain lion and killed. She left behind two small children and a husband. The residents in the area held a fundraiser to save the lion and raised $10,000. A fundraiser was held for the mother and raised less than $1000. I think our priorities get a little screwed up when the welfare of children means less than the welfare of a predator. It's sad really. Who are we, as people, when grace doesn't extend to our own species? How have we put the dogs before the children? They are just as vulnerable, just as much, if not more, in need?

The next time you get ready to donate money or time to the animals, think. Go ahead and do it but then donate time or resources to a children's charity as well.

God bless you and yours,
Much love and joy,


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