Friday, August 20, 2010

Good morning everyone,

It feels like it'll never quit with the rain doesn't it? Hope the snow doesn't come as frequently this winter! Yikes.

I'm planning menus this morning and that's always a trip. Ryan will only eat certain foods. Let me rephrase that. He'll eat anything I set in front of him but he can only eat certain foods. My appetite has changed as I've gotten older so I want things like soup, you know? Soup is a tough one for Ryan you know? And so, I end up making what he can have and they just aren't my favorite foods.

We've been eating out a lot because we can accommodate both of us but it's not good for either of us. I have to say that restaurants are doing a better job of offering some healthy choices. How do you accommodate different food needs?

A friend of mine adjusts for gluten. Another friend for gluten and casein both. Many people adapt for sugar etc. How do you not make supper a three hour endeavour? Between planning, prepping, eating and cleaning up two different meals (or more in some cases) how do you not run from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m.? Or do you feed everyone the special diet to save time?

Well, I'm off to get organized for the week.
God bless you and yours,
Much love and joy,


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