Saturday, August 14, 2010

Extra Blessings because of a Butt Head


How are all of you this morning? It's nice to have the windows open. I make sure I do that every morning unless it's raining--which seems to be all the time lately.

Okay, so I know I went on a rant yesterday but I'm ranting again today. Get this. Ryan and I went grocery shopping at Festival. He's pushing two weeks worth of groceries out for me because I'm still using one crutch. We're hobbling along, smiling, glad to be done with our shopping. Ryan has trouble controlling the cart sometimes but like to steer it anyway.

We're in the crosswalk going toward our car which is parked in the first space, just over this cement "hump" they have separating the parking spaces from the drive area in front of the store and a car is coming. I look at the driver and she looks me dead in the eye. She's probably 65 years old, as is the woman in the passenger seat. She doesn't stop.

Ryan looks up, and panics. He tries to hurry and hits the cement median with the cart, jamming it into his abdomen, with was just surgically repaired, thank you!!! I'm trying to keep him from running, but I'm hobbling on my crutch. I'm telling him, "Ryan, she HAS to stop for us," and he's nearly running into traffic now. I gazed directly into that car and said the B word right to her.

Yes, NORMAL people would just saunter and dare her to hit them, a law suit waiting to happen. What chapped me was that it was sooooo deliberate. We're headed toward a disabled parking spot, Ryan has bright colored hearing aids and is obviously having trouble with the cart, I'm on crutches. I'm telling you now, if I could've gotten her license plate I would have called her in then and there.

Ryan was so upset in the car I didn't think he'd ever get over it.

Why? Why are people like that? I'm a positive, optimistic person but there are days when my heart breaks for my son and I want to rage at the world. It doesn't help to rage, so I rant to you, dear blog readers. I know that you understand exactly what I'm saying.

I keep remembering the Bible verse that says when someone treats us poorly, or curses us, we receive extra blessings from God. I set my hope in my faith and take a deep breath. I know that something better is waiting on the other side.

We went out for rootbeer floats and took a drive. Ryan likes riding in the car and gazing out the window. It's kind of one of his "things" so we work it in. It calmed both of us down.

Today I pray that you are blessed richly each time you feel a kick from someone in this fallen world. I pray that you find calm, quiet moments that give you happiness and peace.

Much love and joy,


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