Thursday, August 5, 2010

In the Right Place at the Right Time

Good morning,

I hope today finds you happy and full of hope. We have a lot of tasks to get done today but I'm tempted to blow them all off and go fishing or geocaching or something fun in the outdoors. It's going to be 80 degrees and sunny. A PERFECT day.

We drove out into the country last night, away from the city lights to admire the northern lights. That was fun. The Perseid meteor showers are visible too. Neither get old, but are absolutely amazing.  I've been watching both since I was young. One of my brothers and I used to go out and lay in the fields at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. and watch until nearly dawn. We lived in the country so could just walk away from the house and see it all. There's so much urban sprawl now that it becomes more difficult to get away from the light pollution.

Ryan loves the northern lights so we'll probably head out again tonight. I hope it's clear. If you live in the northern climes you'll want to get out and see them.

When I was in my 20s or early 30s I was traveling down Hwy 61 along the MN side of the Mississippi when the northern lights started up. Cars pulled over by the dozens so we could all get out and look. It was the most spectacular display I'd ever seen. There were whites, greens, blues, pinks, indigos ... the best show ever. I'd never seen anything like it before ... or since.  We were in the right place at the right time.

I have a talent or a gift for being in the right place at the right time. For example, do you remember the Evander Holyfield fight that was a KO in the first round for the championship? I was in a hotel room at the time, channel surfing and buzzed onto a station that carried the fight. The bell rang, he knocked out his appointment. I remember saying to the person with me, "Huh, look at that. It's round one and that guy just won." I then proceeded with my channel surfing. The next day it's all anyone could talk about. I'm not a big boxing fan so it didn't make an impression until I found out how many people had rented the fight, gone to the bathroom and missed it.

In order to be in the right place at the right time, however, you need to BE there. That means you need to get out of the house once in a while, right? Go hiking. Go to dinner. Take a walk. Go somewhere so you can experience new sights, sounds and sensations. Who knows when you'll be in the right place at the right time?

Take care
Much love and joy


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